According to an official, the Uttar Pradesh government will give local officials and sanitation personnel the necessary training to ensure cleanliness in communities.

Approximately 83,000 individuals, including village pradhans, block motivators, and panchayat assistants, will receive training in batches at the Panchayati Raj Training Institute in Lucknow and 20 District Panchayat Resource Centres.

The second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural) would touch 25,145 gram panchayats in this fiscal year, according to a statement from Additional Chief Secretary of Panchayati Raj Manoj Kumar.

The goal is to cover 43,242 revenue villages under this. In addition to preserving the progress established in these communities during the mission’s first phase, a number of programmes will be undertaken to manage solid and liquid wastes, Kumar said.

Six master trainers, according to him, have been assigned to each training facility.

The Directorate of Panchayati Raj recently provided training for these master trainers.

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